Olá! Tudo bem? Esse blog faz parte da Chakalat.net e esse post fala sobre 8 Ways You Can Help Someone With Depression.
Remember that they cannot help being affected by depression.
Encourage them to talk and listen to what they are saying.
Let them know that you care about them.
Stay in contact with them. Send a card, give them a ring, visit them in their home. Remember that depression can be a very isolating experience.
Help them to feel good about themselves by praising daily achievements.
Encourage them to help themselves by adopting self-help techniques.
Find out about support services available to them and to you (self-help groups, out-of-hours emergency support, help lines, etc).
Encourage them to visit their doctor, and ensure that they take any prescribed medication as directed.
Espero que você tenha gostado da nossa abordagem.
Se você for profissional da saúde, conheça a página que a Quero Conteúdo oferece com materiais gratuitos. Clique aqui .
Você também pode ter informações sobre Cursos Online para Profissionais da Saúde clicando aqui!
Se você quiser receber notícias sobre saúde em geral, entre nos grupos do Whatsapp e no grupo do Telegram.
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